Highly detailed and highly optimized with low poly model of palmetto trees group cluster with High-Resolution and real texture to give realistic and faster rendering. Perfect model for renders , environment, forest, Arabic environment, Carolina street, visualization and desert cluster 3d models. Give superb look in gaming engine. quad poly and clean polygons.
PALMETTO TREE (SABAL PALMETTO)Other names: Cabbage Palm, Palmetto, Cabbage Palmetto, Blue Palmetto, Carolina Palmetto, Common Palmetto, Swamp Cabbage.The Palmetto Tree is everywhere in South Carolina.
polygons: 56100Verts: 67601
simgle palmetto:polygons: 2175Verts: 2608
Dimensions range height500cm - 1000cm
Formats3ds max - Vray / CoronaobjfbxStl