This product has recently been updated to work with Blender 2.81 Eevee render engine, and the .blend scene file contains full materials and textures, ready to render.
One of my first complete 3d environment sets, the package includes all of the objects you see in the preview and wireframe renders; tree, rocks, gravestones01,02, and a skull model. The objects together contain 47,832 polygons; 47,850 vertices (99.6% quad polygons, 0.3% triangles, 0 ngons). All models have been carefully UV unwrapped, with minimal texture distortion. There are 18 high resolution maps included in this set (4096 x 4096 px); each object containing it's own color, specular, and normal maps. It is highly recommended to use the normal maps with your own custom materials for optimum render detail.
The .max scene file contains all elements with textures. The modifier stack has been collapsed for compatibility.
The OBJ pack contains 3 different OBJ file folders associated with this model set, and one MAPS folder, which holds all the essential HD maps. You will notice that each folder is labeled for use with a particular software, except the Default folder, which contains OBJ files for use in most other software applications, like Modo or Maya. For best results, it's highly recommended that you import the correct file to the corresponding software application.
The Blender folder contains all the OBJ files, scaled specifically for import in Blender. Also included is a bonus .blend file, with very basic Cycles materials already applied, and simple environment lighting.