EVERYPlant Calamitina Horsetail Tree 4 --15 Model--

EVERYPlant Calamitina Horsetail Tree 4 --15 Model-- 3D model


Name: Calamitina Horsetail Tree

Scientific: Calamites undulatus

This Variation: 4 of 4. This is a High Poly model. A Low Poly version is also available.

Notes: An extinct, tree-sized plants that lived during the Carboniferous and early Permian periods (about 360 to 250 million years ago) to which the modern horsetails (genus Equisetum) are closely related. Unlike their herbaceous modern counterparts, these plants were medium-sized trees which grew to heights of more than 10 meters. Although it's stem was woody, it was nonetheless a delicate plant that grew in the sub-story of prehistoric forests. Several sub-genera of Calamites existed, this species fell into the category Calamitina and is probably the best knbown of the Calamites. The terrestrial parts did not branch once emerged from the central stem. These plants grew from an underground connected network of rhizomes as well as from seeds. It appears to have preferred sandy riverbanks and floodplains and grew mainly as part of the sub-story of prehistoric forests. Fossils have been found virtually the world over suggesting the plant had a global range.

Included in this Package: 15 models in total

  1. Standard -- 128,848 polygons, 201,176 vertices -- 6.88m tall. Green, fully mature and in good health. Useable in most scenes.
  2. Thriving -- 128,856 polygons, 201,214 vertices -- 6.88m tall. Peak health.
  3. Unhealthy -- 109,107 polygons, 165,169 vertices -- 6.85m tall. Relatively poor state with foliage missing or diseased.
  4. Dying -- 79,703 polygons, 112,408 vertices -- 8.03m tall. Just hanging onto life and showing only unhealthy and diseased foliage.
  5. Dead -- 64,470 polygons, 87,330 vertices -- 8.37m tall. Showing only bare and broken branches and dead foliage.
  6. Broken -- 73,417 polygons, 97,405 vertices -- 3.76m tall. A dead plant with its trunk broken and bent over.
  7. Stump -- 30,940 polygons, 40,608 vertices -- 3.58m tall. A dead plant with its trunk broken and missing.
  8. Uprooted -- 64,141 polygons, 86,509 vertices -- 2.48m tall. Dead plant fallen onto its side.
  9. Ancient -- 157,685 polygons, 237,642 vertices -- 8.38m tall. Very old plant, larger and considerably gnarled.
  10. Young -- 54,145 polygons, 96,942 vertices -- 3.64m tall. Smaller plant, some half way through its maturing cycle.
  11. Immature -- 9,761 polygons, 17,674 vertices -- 1.76m tall. Very small and young plant.
  12. Seedling -- 3,198 polygons, 4,507 vertices -- 1.09m tall. Very young plant just forming its first true leaves.
  13. Lower Poly -- 22,546 polygons, 59,447 vertices -- 6.88m tall. Fewer polys to save system resources. For mid or distant renders. Standard model included, remainder models upon request (no charge).
  14. Higher Poly -- 317,945 polygons, 443,725 vertices -- 6.88m tall. More polys for greater detail. For close-up renders. Standard model included, remainder models upon request (no charge).
  15. Uniform Mesh -- 170,524 polygons, 251,860 vertices -- 6.88m tall. Uniform meshing throughout (as opposed to adaptive). For easier editing. Standard model included, remainder models upon request (no charge).

Re-meshing and any reasonable modification available upon request. No charge to existing customers of the product.

The textures included are mainly 4k (4096x4096); additional texture sizes of medium 2k, small 1k, and tiny <1k textures can also be downloaded. Separated alpha maps can be download as well.

EVERYPlant has a mission ... which is to model every plant species in the world (plus some extinct, fantasy and sci-fi variations as well)! Okay, maybe not every plant! If you don't see it in our store, please get in contact; we have thousands of species on file awaiting upload.

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EVERYPlant Calamitina Horsetail Tree 4 --15 Model--
Royalty Free License 
EVERYPlant Calamitina Horsetail Tree 4 --15 Model--
Royalty Free License 
Response 95% in 0.8h
3D Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping
PBR modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Blender (.blend)165 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl)145 MB
  • glTF (.gltf, .glb)144 MB
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)170 MB
  • Collada (.dae)164 MB
  • Textures Alpha Maps47.1 MBVersion: Alpha MapsVersion: Medium 2KVersion: Small 1KVersion: Tiny Less 1K

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-03-14
  • Model ID#4361299
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry Polygon mesh
  • Polygons 12,848
  • Vertices 201,176
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Overlapping
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing