Chives 3D Model
The Chives 3D model represents the delicate, green, and long leaves of the chive plant (Allium schoenoprasum). Known for its culinary use, this model captures the fine texture and natural growth pattern of chives, making it perfect for herb gardens, culinary scenes, or agricultural simulations. Available in OBJ, FBX, STL, GLB, and BLEND formats, it’s ideal for both realistic and stylized projects.
Chives model, herb 3D model, culinary herb, green plant model, garden herb, realistic chives, botanical 3D model
Schnittlauch-Modell, Kräuter-3D-Modell, kulinarische Kräuter, grünes Pflanzenmodell, Gartenkräuter, realistischer Schnittlauch, botanisches 3D-Modell
Modelo de cebollino, modelo de hierba 3D, hierba culinaria, modelo de planta verde, hierba de jardín, cebollino realista, modelo botánico 3D
نموذج الثوم المعمر, نموذج عشبة 3D, عشبة للطهي, نموذج نبات أخضر, عشبة حديقة, ثوم معمر واقعي, نموذج نباتي 3D
Model szczypiorku, model ziół 3D, zioło kulinarne, model zielonej rośliny, zioło ogrodowe, realistyczny szczypiorek, model botaniczny 3D