About 3d objectI created this 3d object for first time using Blender 2.79 on early 2018 and then i remake again using Blender 2.93 program. On this model has 65.723 verts, 50.066 faces, and 83.428 tris.
About Aegialitis AnnulataAegialitis annulata is a type of mangrove plant which generally has a height of 1.5 meters to 3 meters, but it is not uncommon to find those with a height of 7 meters. It has creeping roots, but sometimes it also has taproots. (Catur, 2020)
Shoreline LocationThis type of mangrove plant usually grows as separate individuals or in small groups. It also grows in areas that are sandy, rocky, and flooded by water with the same salinity (level of saltiness or salt content) as sea water.. (Catur Eko Putro,2020)