This realistic desert style tree and plant collection features 18 unique assets and around 10 specimen of high-quality 3d models. The vegetation collection is inspired by Arizona // North-American based vegetation and made with arch-viz projects in mind. The set comes with textures, materials for standard and also Octane Render ready materials.
Each model can also be bought here as an individual asset. Looking for game-ready versions of this set? Search for DesertHD on the shop.
Model Specs:
Yucca Palm Trees Yucca brevifolia polies: 400000 vertices: 300000
Totem Pole Cactus Lophocereus schottii var monstrosus polies: 21300 vertices: 10800
Toothless Desert Spoon Dasylirion quadrangulatum polies: 35200 vertices: 26700
Palo Verde Parkinsonia florida polies: 1700000 vertices: 1370000
Agave I Agave angustifolia angustifolia polies: 23700 vertices:34000
Agave II polies: 90000 vertices 82000
Agave III Agave americana polies: 16000 vertices: 10000
Cactus I Cactaceae polies: 32270 vertices 41933
Ocotillo Desert Bush Fouquieria splendens polies: 500000 vertices: 450000
Slipper Plant Pedilanthus macrocarpus polies: 80000 vertices: 50000