These plants are created by the very experienced modeler Konstantin Kim and sold exclusively by Xfrog.Kim (aka 3d Mentor) works in 3ds max GrowFX, and sets up shaders for Corona, VRay, and FStorm.ALL plants, for the first time EVER, have GrowFX (gfx) files included, and WIND, and all models and wind can be procedurally edited!Polycounts range from 100k to 600k. Download includes two models.
Dalbergia Tonkinensis: Sua
Dalbergia Tonkinensis is a species of legume, a small tree, native to the Hainan Island of China and Vietnam.It grows on average between 16 and 43 ft tall. Furniture made from Sua wood is particularly prized in China, and while commercial sales of Sua are banned in Vietnam, private sales and auctions are still permitted. Individual trees have sold for over a million US dollars, and its conservation status has been deemed as Vulnerable.