Ginkgo biloba is a fast-growing and precious timber tree species. Its sapwood is pale yellow, and its heartwood is light yellowish brown. It has a fine structure, is light and soft, is elastic, easy to process, and has a luster. Its specific gravity is 0.45-0.48, and it is not easy to crack or flex. It is an excellent wood, used for architecture, furniture, interior decoration, sculpture, and drawing boards. The seeds are used for food (food poisoning) and medicine. Leaves can be used as medicine, insecticides, and fertilizers. The fleshy outer seed coat of a seed contains ginkgo acid, ginkgo alcohol, and ginkgo phenol, which are toxic. The bark contains tannins. Ginkgo biloba has a beautiful shape, with light green leaves in spring and summer, and yellow leaves in autumn. It is quite beautiful and can be used as garden and street trees. Model making software: 3ds Max 2014 Rendering software: vray3.60.03 for 3dmax2014 I hope you like it, thank you.