Name: River Redgum
Scientific: Eucalyptus camaldulensis
A.K.A.: River Red Gum, Murray Redgum, Blue Gum, Cape-York-Red-Gum
This Variation: 2 of 5. This is a Low Poly model. A High Poly version is also available.
Notes: This is an iconic Australian tree and the most abundant on the continent. It is widespread throughout the continent, especially beside inland water courses, whether alongside permanent water-sources, or seasonal. It can very quickly grow to 30-45m. The tree is often extremely gnarled when it grows next to a poor or intermittent water source and is considerably straighter when it has access to constant water. It is a very popular plantation species that is grown the world over. In many countries, it has escaped into the wild, where it is a prolific invasive species. The tree has been unintentionally introduced to North America, Europe and Asia.
Included in this Package: 12 models in total
Re-meshing and any reasonable modification available upon request. No charge to existing customers of the product.
The textures included are mainly 4k (4096x4096); additional texture sizes of medium 2k, small 1k, and tiny <1k can also be downloaded.
EVERYPlant has a mission ... which is to model every plant species in the world (plus some extinct, fantasy and sci-fi variations as well)! Okay, maybe not every plant! If you don't see it in our store, please get in contact; we have thousands of species on file awaiting upload.