This is a pack of wild grass models with 25 varying shapes, made with Blender 2.83 and Cycles renderer. There are high, medium and low polys available with support for background, medium shot and close shot.The PBR maps come with accurate physical properties and rich details.
The model is made at real-world scale.
No part-name confusion when importing several models into a scene.
No external add-ons needed.
No lights or cameras.
Put the model into the scene to render without cleaning.
5 pieces of 4K PBR maps
Including high, medium and low polys, 75 objects in total.
No N-gons.
Overlapping Unwrapped UVs.
A small part of orientation of normals is not unified.
Blender project, fbx and obj file.
Neither animation nor rigging.
High Poly*25: Vertices 127,203 Edges 246,578; Quads 119,536;
Medium Polys*25: Vertices 34,724; Edges 64,703; Quads 30,166;
Low Polys*25: Vertices 7,698; Edges 12,265; Quads 4,758;