Hi all,
This is PBR meadow plant pack created in Blender in real world scale. It includes 143 models of 24 species of plants.The plants are structured just like real plants for even higher realism. Each species has age and size variation. In nature the plants grow wildly in northern part of the globe.
The pack includes:ashweedbent grassbent grass drybitter dockbloodwortclovercreeping buttercupcreeping buttercup flowerdaisydandeliondry St John's wortfennelfernfig buttercupgalinsogagolden rodgrass leaf starwortnarrow leaf plantainnettlesperennial ryegrassplantainprostrate knotweedpurple dead nettlepurple loosestrife
It comes in 4 different formats:.blend.fbx.obj.dae
The blender file has the shaders set up, so it's ready to render using Cycles. The title images are not included.
Each model comes with set of 4K .png maps:base colorroughnessnormalopacitytranslucency