This product consists of 9 grass patterns that are scattered on a board of 20x20 dimensions .To change the path between the grasses, all you have to do is draw your desired path with a spline and attach it to the main spline.…Isolate it before making any changes to the splineIf you want to create your own path, draw your spline and attach it to the main spline and delete the previous segments.Do not collapse the UVW map modifier if you want to change the surface dimensionsThe main spline has 7 paths with an edit spline modifier that you can useTo learn more about the product and how to use it, it is recommended to watch the video from the link below.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lK7gJiNdHlE...Archive included:3smax fileFBX (The FBX file contains only 9 grass and ground models and no scatters)MapsScatter Setting (screenshot of corona scatter setting)Preview