Verification details of the FBX file
No N-gonsNo faceted geometryManifold geometry
PBR texturesNo embed texturesSquare texturesPower of 2 texture sizesAssigned materials
No UV overlapsUV unwrapped model
Name: Forest Woodrush
Scientific: Luzula luzuloides
A.K.A.: Forest Wood-Rush, Oakforest Woodrush. White Wood-Rush, White Woodrush
This Variation: 5 of 5. This is a Low Poly model. A High Poly version is also available.
Notes: A flowering rush whose primary habitats are forests, meadows, fields, and woodlands. They are perennial and generally form clumps of cylindrical stems and narrow leaves with hair-lined edges. The inflorescence is a dense cluster of flowers with two leaf-like bracts at the base. The plant is native to Central Europe, from the Balkans to Fennoscandia, but it has also been introduced to the British Isles and other parts of Europe, and to the north-eastern United States and eastern Canada.
Included in this Package: 14 models in total
Standard -- 13,936 polygons, 25,126 vertices, 37.7cm tall. Fully mature and in good health. Useable in most scenes.
Thriving -- 13,968 polygons, 25,180 vertices, 37.7cm tall. Peak health.
Distressed -- 9,576 polygons, 17,200 vertices, 37.7cm tall. Declining health with some diseased and broken foliage.
Unhealthy -- 4,242 polygons, 7,511 vertices, 32.37cm tall. Poor state with considerable foliage missing or diseased.
Dying -- 1,527 polygons, 2,562 vertices, 34.93cm tall. Just hanging onto life and showing only unhealthy and diseased foliage.
Dead -- 801 polygons, 1,298 vertices, 22.1cm tall. Showing only bare and broken branches and dead foliage.
Ancient -- 13,936 polygons, 31,423 vertices, 39.47cm tall. Very old plant, larger and considerably gnarled.
Young -- 13,870 polygons, 25,060 vertices, 37.54cm tall. Smaller plant, fully mature but still growing.
Growing -- 5,621 polygons, 10,151 vertices, 25.32cm tall. Plant not yet mature, some half way through its growing cycle.
Immature -- 271 polygons, 527 vertices, 11.11cm tall. Very small and young plant.
Seedling -- 199 polygons, 381 vertices, 5.7cm tall. Very young plant just forming its first true leaves.
Single Plant -- 1,496 polygons, 2,701 vertices, 36.13cm tall. One plant only.
Smaller Patch -- 7,583 polygons, 13,671 vertices, 37.7cm tall. A small patch containing a few plants.
Larger Patch -- 25,702 polygons, 46,337 vertices, 38.5cm tall. A large patch with many plants.
Re-meshing and any reasonable modification available upon request. No charge to existing customers of the product.
The textures included are mainly 4k (4096x4096); additional texture sizes of medium 2k, small 1k, and tiny <1k can also be downloaded.
EVERYPlant has a mission ... which is to model every plant species in the world (plus some extinct, fantasy and sci-fi variations as well)! Okay, maybe not every plant! If you don't see it in our store, please get in contact; we have thousands of species on file awaiting upload.