Dynamic Grass With Wind.Used Cinema 4d hair to create the grass on the landscape. realistic wind animation included with the product.Grass was created on the 1800x1800x194 (CM) landscape.Animation range is 268 frames and it can cycle.Animation Speed is 30 Frame per second.
Used Cinema 4d Engine for rendering the scene.
What's Included With Product:
Textures :
Grass4.jpg (For Main Grass Texture )Grass4_Spec.jpg
Grass3.jpg (For Root And Backlit Color )Grass2.jpg (For Root And Backlit Color )
Ground19.jpgGround19n.jpg (Normal Map)Ground19s.jpg (Spec Map)
Ground_MATGrass_MATSky_MAT------------------------------------------Product Guide:Textures are located at : \\Extracted folder\Tex