These plants are created by the very experienced modeler Konstantin Kim and sold exclusively by Xfrog.Kim (aka 3d Mentor) works in 3ds max GrowFX, and sets up shaders for Corona, VRay, and FStorm.ALL plants, for the first time EVER, have GrowFX (gfx) files included, and WIND, and all models and wind can be procedurally edited!Polycounts range from 100k to 600k. Download includes two models.
Camellia Japonica: Japanese Camellia
Sometimes called the Rose of Winter, Camellia Japonica is the official state flower of Alabama. In the wild, it is natively found in China, Taiwan, Korea and Japan, growing in forests at altitudes of 1000-4000 ft. Camellia Japonica is a flowering tree or shrub, and usually reaches to heights of 5-20 ft tall. The leaf of the Camellia japonica is rich in anti-inflammatory terpenoids such as lupeol and squalene. Flowering usually occurs between January and March, hence its name Rose of Winter.