These plants are created by the very experienced modeler Konstantin Kim and sold exclusively by Xfrog. Kim (aka 3d Mentor) works in 3ds max GrowFX, and sets up shaders for Corona, VRay, and FStorm. ALL plants, for the first time EVER, have GrowFX (gfx) files included, and WIND, and all models and wind can be procedurally edited! Polycounts range from 100k to 600k. Download includes one model.
Polygonatum Odoratum: Fragrant Solomons Seal Solomons seal is a shade loving perennial that typically grows 2ft tall on low, gracefully watching stems. It is native to shaded slopes and woodland areas in temperate regions of Europe and Asia. Genus name comes from Greek words poly meaning many and gonu meaning knee joint in reference to the jointed plant rhizomes. Early herbalists believed that plants with jointed rhizomes were helpful in treating human joint disorders. It is used in traditional Chinese and Korean medicine, where the root of the plant is used to make tea. It has been used to treat intestinal problems and pain, gout, and diabetes. The shoots of the plant may be boiled and served like asparagus- however, the rest of the plant, including the leaves, stems, and berries, can be toxic if consumed in large quantities.