These plants are created by the very experienced modeler Konstantin Kim and sold exclusively by Xfrog. Kim (aka 3d Mentor) works in 3ds max GrowFX, and sets up shaders for Corona, VRay, and FStorm. ALL plants, for the first time EVER, have GrowFX (gfx) files included, and WIND, and all models and wind can be procedurally edited! Download includes nine unique models.
Vitex Agnes Castus: Chaste Tree Vitex Agnes Castus, also known as the Chasteberry or Monk's Pepper, is native to the Mediterranean region. It can grow to heights of 3 -16 ft, and can manifest as both a tree and a shrub. It is a cross pollinator, widely cultivated in subtropical regions across the world for its aromatic foliage and butterfly attracting flowers. The fruits from one single tree can be harvested for more than 15 years. The tree is associated with the virginal goddess Hestia in Greek Mythos. The plant is greatly affected by thrips. The leaves produce an essential oil is considered to contain medical properties, and has been used in traditional medicine in the region.