Very realistic 3D model.Native format is C4D 14
CLEAN TOPOLOGYNumber of quadrangles: 65 063 quadsNumber of triangles: only 136 trisNumber of NGons: 0
EXTREME HIGH RESOLUTION & REALISTIC TEXTURES: • 1 Color 10 000 x 10 000 px• 1 Normal 10 000 x 10 000 px• 1 Specular 10 000 x 10 000 px• 1 Displacement 8 192 x 8 192 pxThat means that you can do RENDERING FOR CLOSUP BY KEEPING BEAUTIFUL DETAILS(3 additional textures are provided to change petal color: pink - yellow - white).
CLEAN UV TEXTURE MAPPING to get less distortion as possible.
You can change esaily resolution with hypernurbs.No 3rd party plug-ins used.