nice picture
A set of 5 plant models for modern landscape design.Pivot from the bottom of the bush, the model of a single object, the grid is optimal.
800(d) * 250(h) мм, (Polys: 34 992);700(d) * 230(h) мм, (Polys: 28 647);600(d) * 200(h) мм, (Polys: 16 942);500(d) * 170(h) мм, (Polys: 11 790);400(d) * 120(h) мм, (Polys: 6 781);
In the archive:
.max 2015 files_corona.max 2012 files_corona.max 2015 files_vray.max 2012 files_vray.obj file (multi format).fbx file (multi format).mat (corona).mat (vray).textures