Beautiful summer designer bouquet of wildflowers in a modern glass vase with poppy, chamomile, lavender, thorn, thistle. Set 431.Summer bouquet, Bouquet of branches and flowersBouquet of wild flowersvasePapaver nudicaule - Hollow-stem poppy, Icelandic poppyMatricaria, chamomile, daisies - Chamomile, Information, Navel, Tanacetum, TansyMayweedbouquet of white and green flowersThistle - thistle bouquetCarduus - eryngium, bluegrassbranches, thorns, branches with thorns, thorn.Arctium - Burdock, burdock, burdockRed berries, berries on branchesIlex - Ilex, HollyCyperus - CyperusHeracleum - hogweedSOLIDAGO - Goldenrod, SolidagoLavender - Lavandula, lavenderCatnip - NepetaSage - Salvia nemorosaBerberis, Barberry - barberry branch
glass, eco design, interior, decor, vase, Scandinavian style, natural, bouquet, flowers, flower, table decor, decorative, Glass vase, natural decor, beautiful bouquet, modern vase, bouquet in a vase, vase with a bouquet, bouquet of flowers , top, new, modern bouquet, small bouquet, table decoration, Summer bouquet, transparent vase, delicate, bouquet of flowers in a glass vase, beautiful bouquet of flowers, Bouquet of wild flowers, minimalist bouquet, realistic bouquet, bouquet of flowers in a vase, bouquet of poppies , poppy, Icelandic poppy, bouquet of white flowers, bouquet of red flowers, bouquet of yellow flowers, bouquet of poppies, poppy in a vase, poppy flower, round vase, wildflowers, small bouquet, yellow, red, orange, white, Chamomile, Details , Navel, Tanacetum, Tansy, Matricaria, chamomile, daisies, wild flowers, bouquet of white flowers, Bouquet of branches and flowers, Thistle, thistle bouquet, branches, thorns, branches with thorns, thorn, Red berries, berries on branches, Ilex , Ilex, Holly, Heracleum, hogweed, Lavender, Lavandula, lavender, Berberis, Barberry, barberry branch
Bouquet of wildflowers poppy chamomile lavender thistle