Beautiful lush bouquet of white flowers in a modern glass vase of roses, peonies, hydrangea, carnations. Set 389.Spring bouquethydrangea - hydrangeaWhite RoseDianthus caryophyllus - CarnationCarnationPaeonia, peony - White PeoniesEucalyptus branch, table decorvase -, H&M HOME
glass, eco design, interior, Eucalyptus branch, decor, vase, Scandinavian style, natural, bouquet, flowers, flower, flowers, vase, table decor, decorative, Glass vase, modern vase, lush bouquet, beautiful bouquet, bouquet in a vase , vase with a bouquet, bouquet of flowers, top, new, modern bouquet, multi-colored, white flowers, pink flowers, hydrangea, hydrangea, hydrangea bouquet, White roses, Dianthus caryophyllus, Carnation, white Carnation, Paeonia, White Peonies, large bouquet, festive bouquet, table decoration, celebrations, flowers in a vase, vase with flowers, flower, floral bouquet, bouquet of flowers, white flowers, white bouquet, white flowers, wedding bouquet,, H&M HOME, realistic, bouquet of white flowers, Spring bouquet, bouquet of hydrangea, peonies and carnations
Bouquet of white flowers hydrangea carnation peony vase