3d model bouquet of red protea flowers
created Blender Version 4
Blender scene - cycles render (render preview images)
Unit presets - metric
Geometry: Polygonal Quads/Tris
Subdivision level - Vertices: 542473, Polygons: 498480
Objects UV mapping (mixed)
_ objects 3d scene _
branch (1-material (map 2048x2048: diffuse, roughnes, NormalMap))
ficus (1-material (map 2048x2048: diffuse, roughnes, NormalMap))
leaf (1-material (map 2048x2048: diffuse, roughnes, NormalMap))
leaf (1-material (map 2048x2048: diffuse, roughnes, NormalMap))
phezalis (1-material (map 2048x2048: diffuse, roughnes, NormalMap))
protea_madiba (1-material (map 2048x2048: diffuse, roughnes, NormalMap))
proteya (1-material (map 2048x2048: diffuse, roughnes, NormalMap))
vase (1-material (map 1024x1024: color-glass))
whiskers (1-material (map 1024x1024: diffuse, roughnes))
Unzip the file and textures into a shared folder.
_ All formats _
3dsMax 2023 - corona render 9
*FBX, *OBJ formats has a very basic materials this models may have a different result then advertising images.
Materials will need to be recreated and textures reapplied for exchange formats.