HQ HousePlants Giant Monstera Deliciosa Swiss Cheese
3 Different 3D models in the scene
Height: 1800mm & 2200mm & 1600mm
Monstera deliciosa—also known as Swiss cheese plant—is a striking addition to any room. Its a tropical climbing plant with waxy, deep green leaves on each of its vinelike, woody stems; the leaves develop the holes behind its whimsical nickname as they get bigger. In its native setting in the tropics of North and South America, Monstera can reach 70 feet tall, and their stylish leaves can grow up to three feet wide. Rest assured the potted one in your living room wont get that big, but you may need to prune it back every once in a while. Aside from that, Monstera is such a popular houseplant because its so low maintenance, generally unfussy, and resistant to pests or diseases. That makes it a great choice for newbies and experienced plant people alike.
1- Materials is archive (material library)
2-Polys: 144k + Verts: 151k
3- 4K texture + 4K material
4- JPEG (texture), MAX + MTL + OBJ + FBX 2012
5- 3dmodels: MAX + OBJ + FBX 2012
6- Corona render + Vray render (Renderer Engine-MAX + FBX)
7- Models have unwrapped overlapping and
maps supported traditional 3ds Max texturing.
(tiling coordinates)
If you have any problems for setting up the models,send me a message here.