Hello. The model in front is a very beautiful spherical plant that can be used indoors or outdoors in your projects. This plant is very suitable for spring because of its texture. This plant may be a little taller than its other friends, but it is very attractive. I hope you enjoy the model.Also let me know if you need help.Other features of the model are stated below:
-Name Model: Spherical Bushes-Includes format files:-Blender ver2.92.0-SpeedTree Modeler Cinema ver8.4.2-3DSMax-Vray2015-3DSMax-Corona2015-OBJ-Dwg 2007-FBX Vray-FBX Corona-Texture : Yes-Units: centimeter-XForm: Yes-Dimension: [Radius: 100cm] [Hight: 180cm]-Polys: 214.503-Verts: 636.059