amazing! I have been using Mega scan models for so long, these models quality are way better!
the details level, and textures are perfect, also I do find lot cool models I can not get from els where! thanks for your hard work!
New Plant Wild Erica Multiflora Bruyere Fiche
Evergreen shrub, sometimes to 2 m. It flowers prolifically inland in forests and on rocky hillsides during the winter months on calcareous soil.FlowersThe pink flowers are narrow, bell-shaped, stalked, with protruding purple stamens.LeavesLinear, Wholed. Needle-like, in whorls of 4 to 5.fruit seedsCapsule: dry, containing seeds.EdibleFlowers: heather honey is used to make a version of gingerbread.MedicalFlowering tops: to treat urinary tract infections.
2 Different 3D models in the scene
Height: 1200mm & 1100mm
If you have any problems for setting up the models,send me a message here or via avatar.group.ad@gmail.com