The Fusion Flea Supreme is a nuclear vehicle found throughout the wastelands of the former United States.Structurally, the entrance to the driver's seat was achieved through a lift-off roof windshield combination with a latch on one side. The East Coast models are blue in color with three wheels, two in the front and one in the back. The Mojave variants are a green-brown in color and lack the third wheel in the rear. They also feature a rear engine, protruding from behind the driver's seat. If shot at, some of the vehicles will burn briefly and then explode.A pre-War ultra-sub-compact city transport featuring an advanced Chryslus[verification overdue] nuclear-powered engine. The one passenger vehicle can be commonly found throughout the wastelands, and sometimes seen less frequently in regions such as the Mojave Desert.
The model is HI POLY and suitable for 3d printing.