Rear barbette gun turret scale 1-200 3D print model

Rear barbette gun turret scale 1-200 3D print model 3D print model


IMPORTANT! I offer you a finished and proven stl model as well as a Rhino 3-D Model (.3dm) version 5. To edit the model.Scale 1:200. The model exactly corresponds to the model displayed in the Japanese Museum of the yard Kure and will be interesting for modelers who exactly wants to reproduce all elements of the battleship. This museum features a 1:10 scale model. Also I used literature, anatomy battleship Yamato. This book details and presents each subassembly as a drawing. I set my models separately rather than the entire model as each part is available for 3D STL printing and each can select the necessary battleship subassembly. In the future, all details will be posted in full. I 'm open to questions and ready to answer.

The gun mounts and turrets were operated by electro-hydraulic power with mineral oil as the pressure medium.Each turret had six hoists-one shell hist and one powder hoist per gun. The shell handling room and powder hoist equipment were essentially a scaled down version of large-calibre equipment.The hoists were activated by hydraulic motors supplied by the common ring.Each barbet was equipped with a ventilation system.

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dani712021-08-02 03:41:18 UTC
wylly12020-02-21 13:03:28 UTC
Rear barbette gun turret scale 1-200 3D print model
Royalty Free License 
Rear barbette gun turret scale 1-200 3D print model
Royalty Free License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Rhinoceros 3D (.3dm)56.9 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)66.9 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-01-12
  • Model ID#2230678
  • Ready for 3D Printing