sev1442024-01-06 17:48:28 UTChighly detailed , easy to print, awesome seller , buy with confidence ,
maklukee2023-04-25 16:25:57 UTCGoing with a positive as this model is top notch and detail is amazing. BUT, I'm guessing this is more for resin than FDM printers. I'm running an Ender 5 Pro and have printed this model in varing sizes and with various filament. Unfortunately, on every print regardless of settings, the engine pieces are so rounded that there are TONS of support that just do not clean up easily and completely destroy the aesthetics of the model. IF the engines were cut in half, printed on the plate, then glued together like the cockpit, this would probably work well. I've been looking for a Starfury like this for ages, bummed it isn't working out.