This is a multipart kit for building genemorph 4 armed aliens.
It includes numerous parts that can be assembled with ball jointed slots :
BODY : multiple variants are included.
HEAD : muliple variants are included.
TAIL can be attached to the back of the head :
LEGS : legs are ball jointed and have 4 different poses : - running, neutral, extended, crouch
legs are designed in 4 different and mixable types : - bio leg with rivet armour - bio leg with freez armour - composite leg - mecha leg
ARMS : arms are ball jointed and have 3 different versions - bio1 - bio2 - compositeHands/weapons : - bio claws - composite claws - mecha claws - mecha sickle - mecha pincer - crippled hand with cable
Every part is included with both supported and non-supported versions for ease of printing.Every file is tested for resin printing. Test prints were done on Elegoo Mars2, with 0.05mm layer height, and 3 seconds exposure.
NOTE: Do not under any circumstances share these files for free or commercially!