CHIBI-TECH SD modular Mecha. 30mm chibi (super-deform) sci-fi tabletop miniatures series come with a single-piece .STL and FDM-optimized versions for quality supportless printing. Many include free alternate variant sculpts. Also includes ready-to-print .PNG format GAME CARD(S). Designed to be 100% modular by using 6x1.5mm neodynium magnets.
L-07 DED-409: Lightweight and extremely agile Light Runner-pod style Leg Chassis built primarily for security and patrol purposes in urban areas to be paired with an A.I. based Drone build, but that A.I. turned out to be lacking. The Corporation repurposed them as a light recon Chassis in an attempt to save face, which turned out to be a good decision in the minds of many independant forces employing these highly mobile legs in Their arsenals. Its advances stabilizers help to maintain accurate weapons firing with Kinetic weapons and it's unique hydraulics act it stay highly mobile, even allowing for jumping over obastacles that would leave other designs behind.
This file pack inlcudes:L-07 DED-409 CHASSIS .stlCHIBI-TECH SD game stats card & deck back .png