Landsknecht halberdiers and spearmen

Landsknecht halberdiers and spearmen 3D print model


28mm landsknecht models that can be made as halberdiers or spearmen. The model set includes 6 armored torso and legs models, 6 different head models and 6 different halberd arms and spear arms. There are several additonal accessory items to further differentiate each figure, these include two swords, two bags, a dagger and four shields. Each part can be printed seperately, then glued togather or digitally combined and printed as one figure. The included zip file contains everything for easy downloading. With this model set you will be able to build a regiment of halberdiers or spearmen suitable for many different wargames.
Swordsmen arms are available from here: models are intended for a resin printer. A sample halberdier is available on thingiverse:

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Landsknecht halberdiers and spearmen
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Landsknecht halberdiers and spearmen
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3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (34 files)471 MBVersion: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-11-29
  • Model ID#2648698
  • Ready for 3D Printing