Damian Wayne, is a fictional character created by DC Comics within the world of the masked vigilante named Batman. Damian is the biological son of Talia al Ghul (daughter of the villain Ra's al Ghul) and Bruce Wayne (Batman). It was created by Grant Morrison and first appeared in Batman # 655 (September 2006).
The idea of Batman and Talia having a son had previously appeared in Mike W. Barr's graphic novel Batman: Son of the Demon (1987). Since Morrison hadn't read that story before writing his, the stories differ greatly. In fact the author had originally based on the marriage that occurred in the DC Special Series # 15 (1978) entitled I Now Pronounce You Batman And Wife! (I declare them Batman and wife!), Written by Dennis O'Neil.
Damian is characterized by his primal feelings, brought on by his rigorous training in martial arts. In his first appearances he is shown as an arrogant individual, proud and jealous of the position of Tim Drake (Robin III), whom he almost murdered in a combat inside the Batcave.