Anachronist Arquebusier Company

Anachronist Arquebusier Company 3D print model


The intrepid guerreros of Tesla Tercio XIV. A company of post-apocalyptic soldiers, wielding little-understood technological artefacts of a bygone era.

Intended for 3d print.

Contains the following models:

  • 1 Soldier on stone stairs
  • 1 Captain with Morion Helmet on stone stairs (stairs and captain are two separate models)
  • 5 Standing Soldiers with Laser Arquebuses (various poses and clothing)
  • 1 Running Soldier with Laser Arquebus
  • 1 Crouching Soldier with Laser Arquebus
  • 1 Running Soldier with Chainsword and Chain Shield
  • 1 Friar with Crux Missile Launcher
  • 1 Hunter with Blunderbuss
  • 1 Chain Pikeman Sergeant with Loudspeaker
  • 1 Chain Pikeman
  • 3 Bearded Sergeants with Ammo Belt (Two with mechanical arms, one with hand on hilt of sword)

Megapack contains 18 individual models in total.

Each model can be printed in unlimited numbers (duh...), so you can expand the company to an entire army should you want to.

The models are packaged in a .stl file with all models included in one file * . The models are laid out in a square pattern, and individual models can easily be cut out using the slicing software of your choice.

  • UPDATE 20210814 : All models separated and put into their own .stl files. Added to product as a .rar archive.

The models are intended for print in 28mm scale, but can be resized to suit any scale.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to send me a message by clicking the envelope symbol next to the company logo on this page.

Anyone interested can follow me on Instagram, under this handle: #sharedogminiatures

Item rating
1 0
adavi1092021-04-26 06:26:58 UTC
Overall i really like the way these guys look. The author's style reminds me of the one piece metal rogue trader miniatures.
Anachronist Arquebusier Company
Editorial No Ai License 
10% for Ukraine
Anachronist Arquebusier Company
Editorial No Ai License 
10% for Ukraine
Response 92% in 15.0h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)78.7 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-11-22
  • Model ID#2719108
  • Ready for 3D Printing