A small town on an island inspired by Windfall Island from Zelda the Wind Waker. It includes all the parts needed to make one for yourself! Included are the the Island and two small versions of the King of red lions.
I worked quite a while on getting this island easy to print, however it being such a big model is always a challenge. The island cosists of 1 piece and multiple smaller addons.
When printing with FDM i recommend printing with a buildplate of atleast 30x30cm. But i have added a version for a 20x20 buildplate.
Perfectly printable with a resin printer, it is however quite big, so keep your build plate in mind and resize the model where necessary. (would love to see one from printed on a big Resin printer)
The small King of red lions are Resin only! Too small for a FDM printer.
If there are any problems or questions about the model feel free to leave a comment.