An extremely large multi functional expandable piece of terrain for your favorite table top games with a couple extras for a little flair all done in fast and cheaply in Vase Mode.
This model is to be printed in vase mode / spiralize contour mode with the orientation as the models are provided.
This model has been test printed with a 1.0 mm nozzle and a layer height of 0.12 mm or less.Make sure to check your printing preview in cura after slicing, sometimes cura skips a layer or two when slicing in vase mode. If this happens just rotate the model a few degrees around the z-axis and slice again until its fine.
cura profile for an ender3 is also included in the download.
This models should print without supports flat on the build-plate with an FDM printer with a 1.0 nozzle in spiralize mode.
Models are scaled for 28mm gaming. They have been scaled to my preferences and re-scaling may be required to fit your particular needs.
Private Use Only Non Commercial No Derivatives NOTE: Do not under any circumstances share these files for free or commercially!