Aircraft Carrier USS Gerald Ford CVN78

Aircraft Carrier USS Gerald Ford CVN78 3D model


This is a detailed, current, exterior model of CVN-78, The USS Gerald Ford, produced from drawings and photographs.

It is split into 3 parts. The carrier itself (in Lightwave 11.6.3 and 2019 variants, in .OBJ format and .fbx). A carrier flight complement of F35C, F18E and F models (in Lightwave 11.6.3 and 2019 variants, in .OBJ format and .fbx) and deck equipment (in Lightwave 11.6.3 and 2019 variants, in .OBJ format and .fbx). Textures can usually be found in the images folder within the Lightwave model set.

The model was originally modeled in Lightwave 11.6.3 and tested and saved out of LW 2019. OBJ and fbx exports are also included. The model is of a good resolution for the carrier; moderate for the aircraft complement and deck equipment. The texture images are usually found in the lightwave version hierarchy. Standard texturing scheme was used and only an ambient occlusion node was added to the flat metal plates for rendering. Other textures and UV textures are included for the carrier, planes and equipment. They are of varying resolutions.

The package includes the ship modeled in multiple layers, or parts, for easy animation and includes multiple models of ship deck equipment (4 different tow carts, 2 bomb carts. huffer cart, crane, forklift, aircraft ladder, aircraft missiles) and deck aircraft (F35C, F18E, F18F, F18C in gear down and flight configurations).

The main ship file contains lightwave (11.6.3 and 2019) layers or OBJ file parts for : main flight deck / main hull / a watersurface / hangar details / CIWS / catwalks / blast shields / elevators /1/2/3/ sponsons / deckcrane /F18C stowed / F18C ready. The lightwave vesrion contains tris and quads and a few ngons. The OBJ and FBX versions are trigons only. The Lightwave and .obj model versions should be in good order though I cannot test the .fbx exports.

The fighter complement and deck equipment come in separate LWO, OBJ and FBX files and should load into the main model at flightdeck level.

The fighter jets include: F18E gear down and flight versions; F18F gear down and flight versions and F35C gear down and flight versions.

The deck equipment is updated and in addition to hangar deck equipment. It includes: 4 different tow carts; one huffer cart, 3 jet ordinance missiles, jet ladder, forklift, crane and bomb carts.

vanamalikrishna862023-11-06 09:44:48 UTC
Huge deal!!!
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Aircraft Carrier USS Gerald Ford CVN78
Editorial No Ai License 
Aircraft Carrier USS Gerald Ford CVN78
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 46% in 7.5h
3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Lightwave (.lwo, .lw, .lws) (3 files)429 MBVersion: 11.6.3Renderer: Default Version: 11.6.3Renderer: Default Version: 11.6.372019Renderer: Default
  • Lightwave (.lwo, .lw, .lws) (3 files)429 MBVersion: 11.6.3Renderer: Default Version: 11.6.3Renderer: Default Version: 11.6.372019Renderer: Default
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx) (3 files)429 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (3 files)429 MB
  • Textures 429 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-11-26
  • Model ID#2626250
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry Polygon mesh
  • Polygons 1,302,000
  • Vertices 1,404,000
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs No
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing