War Commander Icon LogoThe model is related to the military symbol where WC short for War Commander.
ATTENTION: I create the whole model from scratch by using ZModeler2.
MODEL INFO:a)Polygons: 199b)Triangles: 256c)Vertices: 136
NOTES:1)I create the skin myself by using Microsoft Paint.2)The actual model have better rendering quality than in video.
Exported from: ZModeler 2.2.4 (Build 981) Format: OBJ – WavefrontOBJ filter (Build 45)ADDITIONAL INFO: When import into ZM2 or any modelling software, you may select the option ‘split by group’ or any relevant option. I am also a Gamer instead of a Modeler.By HarimauMalayaHM (Formerly known as WCAM-Harimau)Facebook: Harimau Malaya HMWikia: HM-Semakin Di Depan