This package contains 20 high quality props, incluiding: Melee Weapons, Canned Foods, Medical Itens and more. With Detailed PBR Textures, Customizable Materials, Blueprints and Multi Texture Resolutions from 1024x1024 to 4096x4096.
.Fbx, .Obj, .Uasset, .Unity3D and .Blend files.
Textures already applied in .Blend file (Put the textures on the same directory of blend file).
Low Poly Mesh game-ready.
Real-World Scale (centimeters).
Unreal Project 4.15+
Unity Project 2019.4.18f1+
Custom Collision for Unreal Engine 4 (Handmade).
Tris Count: 288 to 5,766
Number of Textures (PNG): 88
Number of Textures (UE4): 68
Number of Blueprints (UE4): 5
Number of Textures (Unity): 88
Number of Materials (UE4): 3 Materials and 31 Material Instances
Number of Materials (Unity): 32
Number of Prefabs: 28
PBR Textures (1024x1024) and (4096x4096) (PNG).
Type of Textures: Base Color, Roughness, Metallic and Normal Map (PNG)
Combined RMA texture (Roughness, Metallic and Ambient Occlusion) for Unreal Engine 4 (PNG).
Nomenclatures and Sufixes in Unreal Engine 4:
SM_ : Static Meshes.
T_ : Textures.
_BC : Base Color.
_N : Normal Maps.
M_ : Materials.
_RMA : Roughness, Metallic and Ambient Occlusion.
MI_ : Material Instances.
Nomenclatures and Sufixes in** Unity Engine**:
SM_ : Static Meshes.
T_ : Textures. BC : Base Color.
_N : Normal Maps.
M_ : Materials.
_MS : Metallic Smoothness.
_AO : Ambient Occlusion.