2023-10-06 16:45:05 UTCkarlu
A US Navy (USN) Naval Security Harbor Patrol Craft 28-foot Dauntless Sea-Ark high-speed patrol boat is underway in San Diego Bay escorting the USN Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier
The model can be used in games, simulations, visualizations, Render
3d model: Low poly
polygons:8780vertics:9194Tris: 15850Edges:17773
What we find in the model list
1 Alpha2 Hull3 Interior4 Engine
3d model includes UVunwrap, Textures
File formats:1 3Ds Max 20212 3Ds Max 20203 3Ds Max 20194 3Ds Max 20185 OBJ, FBX 6 Blender
Detailed and accurate model
Textures format 4096 x 4096
2D ViewCoronaKeyhotPBR Metalic RoughnessPBR Specular GlossinessUnity Universal Render Pipeline (metalic standart)Unity Universal Render Pipeline (Specular)Unreal Engine 4