Scope 3X-9X Zoom
This product includes:
.fbx and .obj exports of the model
The original Blender file with four sided polygons instead of triangles
The texture files
2048 X 2048
Black; Olive Green; Tan
Base_colour; Height; Metallic; Mixed_Ambiant_Occlusion; Normal Open_GL; Roughness
(Unity) AlbedoTransparency; MetallicSmoothness; Normal
(Unreal) BaseColor; Normal; OcclusionRoughnessMetallic
Additional Features:
Normals baked from a high poly mesh
No Ngons
This model is avaliable in packages such as my Modular Combat Rifle, with materials already set up in the Unreal 4 and Unity game engines.
You cannot look through this scope mesh. It was designed for when you zoom by moving the camera in front of the scope and covering the whole screen with a crosshair.