Edit: Okay, apparently, it turns out that it really was just a massive English translation error. I'll leave what I originally wrote below for the sake of documenting the experience, but the seller does honestly seem like they want to help their customers. They were using a translating app to communicate, which was the cause for the original misunderstanding. Also, sorry for the wall of text. I wrote paragraphs, but CGTrader isn't formatting my review for me.
Just leaving an honest review:
I bought this bow with the intent to use in UE4 even though it didn't come with .uasset files. It had .fbx so I just planned to import them that way. Importing had errors with the skeleton and the bow had warped geometry issues in UE4. I did try to work with the bow for a few hours in blender, but I ultimately ended up messaging the seller for help since it proved too difficult for me as I'm still rather new to this stuff.
I'll be honest that my interaction with the seller wasn't the best, but wasn't terrible either. They did respond fairly quickly, but were a bit dismissive and refused to help on the first attempt. I'm sure they're busy, and this purchase isn't from one of their many other larger products, but I feel that I deserved a better response than that.
That said, the second time I made the request, I pointed out that the .uasset files already exist since they're part of one of their character packs on the ue4 marketplace. After that they did actually go out of their way, even though they were not obligated to do so, to create a UE4 project with the files ready to go, which I really appreciated. They even threw in a simple animation which is more than I expected, since all I wanted was to have the working skeletal mesh.
I'm guessing we're in different time zones, as this took place while I was asleep. Perhaps I read too much into it, but I think they may have thought I was ignoring them, because when I woke to the messages I got the sense they resented me for requesting the help and not responding back to their request for a positive review after what they did for me. Only the last message they left had the negative vibes. It was posted an hour and a half after their message about them updating the product for me, and stated that they weren't going to do anything else, even though I had only ever asked for one thing. I really do appreciate what they did to help, but being guilted into feeling like I'm an annoyance or whatever else for seeking product support is, just, well, obviously not good...
Anyway, I won't end the support review on that point. Ultimately, they did help me when they weren't obligated to, and when I did some research on one of their other products, I did see a customer had left a review about the positive support they got when they needed help. While the seller does give me the sense they're kind of the "hustler" type of person, I do like to give people the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they had a bad day. Maybe understanding was lost in translation. Who knows? At least they helped me.
Okay, rant over. AS FOR THE ACTUAL BOW EQUIPMENT SET ASSET... It's pretty good. I think I'm going to have to work with the skeleton a little bit since the ends of the bow are bending kind of weird during the animation, but the model itself is good. It's not the highest detailed bow there is, but what I like about it is that it's a fantasy bow with a good style. Honestly, I'm finding it difficult to find good fantasy bows. Most are just simple wood that all look more or less the same, so this is a welcome addition to my collection.
The quiver is not as good as the bow or arrow, but it's not bad. The arrow I actually really like. The feathers and arrowhead look really cool. The arrow's material opacity settings aren't set up correctly out of the box, but it's an easy fix.
All said, I do like the bow set. It's pretty decent and I do recommend it if falls in line with your price range. Cheers.