This is a five hundred pound bomb used by the British as a general purpose weapon. This is the fourth variant in the series, which was followed with two more variants. It had two different tail pieces. a No. 2 Mk. I or No. 26 tail Mk. I or Mk. II. This particular model has the No. 2 Mk.I. With this tail it weighed 470 lbs, and had two different explosive fillings available, TNT or Amatol 60/40 (144.5 and 143 respectively). Both bombers and fighters carried this weapon, with some minute differences. The fighter version was 55.6 inches long (with the No. 26 Mk.I tail), and the bomber version was 70.6 inches longer (with the No. 2 Mk.I tail). They also had different arming vanes, the bomber version having four blades, and the fighter version having two. The Mk. VI bomb was made in the U.S..