Sci-Fi Armored Military Truck PBR
Updated Version 1.1
Add Color Options.
All Textures are Optimaized.
High Quality 3D Model (AAA) LowPoly/PBR (Cars) Ready for - Game AR/VR & Cinematic.
When I'm create this concept,I had an idea make a mix Hummer H1 & Jeep Wrangler with Sci-Fi Style
I think it became an interesting option )
Engine completely redesigned and my choice fell on the ElectroMagnetic option.
AAA Quality 3D Models.
Polygonal Mesh.
All model (Topology)Only Quad and Tris (Not N-Gons).
Model is not triangulated.
Real World Size Lenght 468 cm Width 219 cm Height 196 cm (Hummer H1 Size).
Game Resalution.
PBR Textures.
Model is scaled to accurate real world dimensions.
Objects, materials and textures has meaningful and matching names.
Transformations has been reset and model is placed at scene origin [0, 0, 0 XYZ].
All texture paths are set to relative.
Armored Body (Camuflage)_PolyMesh 3342 Tris
Armored Body Dark_PolyMesh 4052 Tris
Phantom Bluster_PolyMesh ** 6084** Tris
Chassies(Engine)_PolyMesh 15442 Tris
Light Bar_PolyMesh 356 Tris /2 PCs
Glass_PolyMesh 32 Tris
Holes_PolyMesh 422 Tris
Wheels_PolyMesh 868 Tris/4 PCs
Tyre_PolyMesh 2708 Tris/4 PCs
Model Total Polycounte
** PBR Materials and Textures sets**
Armored Body (Camuflage) PBR_ 4K
Armored Body Dark PBR_4K
Phantom Bluster PBR_4K
Chassies(Engine) PBR_4K
Light Bar PBR_2K
Glass PBR_2K
Holes PBR_256*256 (Closes the Mehs so there are no problems with Backface Culling)
Wheels PBR_2K
Tyre PBR_2K
Materials are prepared for Unity and Marmoset renderers.
Scanline and FBX has only basic materials and will NOT render the same as in preview images.
OBJ file has no materials, but has UVW coordinates intact.
Textures Map
Albedo Map (Diffuse)
AO Map (Ambient Oclusion)
Normal Map
Metallic Map
Roughness Map
Emissive Map(Light Effect)
File Format
Modeled in Maya
Preview images are rendered with Marmoset Toolbag.
Images are straight from rendering apps. No post processing were applied.
Render scenes are not included.
Please contact me if you have questions or need assistance with the models.