Object 168 Zhestokiy

Object 168 Zhestokiy 3D model


Obj. 168 жестокий (zhestokiy) is a fictional tank design i came up with. I was inspired by the designs of T-80, T-90, T-72 series and the cancelled project called T-90 Burlak. Parts of the tank is not modeled 1-1 to these tanks but heavily inspired by them to create the aestethic of the tanks created by the USSR at that time.

History Obj. 168 жестокий project was getting developed beside the project T-90 Burlak. Obj. 168 was planned to be the new MBT of the USSR. Main requirements was met with the new cutting edge FCS, autoloader, main armament, optics and mobility. 7 Obj. 168 were built and went under trials of mobility, firepower, endurence and 5 of them succesfuly past all the trials. 1's engine caught fire, 1's FCS failed. Unfortunately Obj.168 project was cancelled due to the cost and difficulty of assembly.

Armament Obj. 168 had a new 130mm cannon 2A72-2-S Tulip, which was able to fire new 130mm APDS-FS, HEAT, HE-VT and barrel fired ATGMs with a new autoloader design. The autoloader was located behind the turret and could load the 130mm gun in just about 5.5 seconds but it was able to do it in 3.2 seconds in overclock mode. Overclock mode would overheat the gun and jam the autoloader after 6 consecutive shots.

FCS Obj. 168 had Generation 2 CITV (x2-x16) and Generation 2 Main Sight (x3.4-x12) with an additional backup sight with passive infrared night vision (x2-x8).

Mobility Obj. 168 had the same gas-turbine engine as the T-80 series tanks, GTD-1250 was able to produce 1250hp (920 kW) and max. torque of 4395 N.m. Obj. 168 had also a newly developed suspention and track system which were more reliable, robust and had more load capacity. Due to the heavier armor, obj. 168 was not as maneuverable as T-80 series and it's max speed was limited to 50 kph.

Armor Obj. 168's UFP Layout: -HHRA (65mm) -Textolite (30mm) -HHRA (65mm) -Air (15mm) -Textolite (30mm) -HHRA (70mm) UFP was also covered with the new ERA of the time named Kontakt-4. Obj. 168 Turret Face Layout: -HHRA (85mm) -NERA (450mm) -Air (15mm) -HHRA (150mm) Turret face was also covered with Kontakt-4.

This model is made in blender, everything is modelled by me so there will not be any copyright issues. Some modifiers (array, subdivision surface) are not applied so the model can be modified easily.

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Object 168 Zhestokiy
Royalty Free No Ai License 
Object 168 Zhestokiy
Royalty Free No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Blender (.blend)10.8 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry Subdivision ready
  • Polygons 1,506,842
  • Vertices 1,520,471
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Unknown
  • Plugins used
  • Publish date2022-09-06
  • Model ID#3974551