Low Poly model of Japan WW2 Type 94 TK tankette.
Model contains real details and proportions. 2048x2048 textures included: -Color maps -psd (AO, camo, decals on separated layers, specular on Alpha channel) 2k,1k (wheels) -Normal maps 2k,1k -Emission map for lights . Texture designed for scaling - great for mobile games.
The Type 94 was a minimalist design. A light tracked hull with a small turret fitted at the rear, armed with a single machine-gun, with the engine at the front and driver to the right. The concept was, apparently, inspired by the Carden-Loyd Mk.VI. The hull was riveted, and the Mitsubushi air-cooled engine developed 35 bhp at 2500 rpm, for a total of 9.5 bhp/ton. The crew was protected from heat by asbestos insulation. The speed was the same as that of the original British design. The commander, who also acted as gunner, sat in the turret, which was manually traversed, by pushing a shoulder against the machine-gun. There was also a storage compartment at the rear, accessible through a large door. The original armament, a Type 91 6.5 mm (0.25 in) gas-operated machine gun (1980 rounds), was later replaced by a more powerful Type 92 7.7 mm (0.31 in) model during production and in service.
The gun was protected by an armored mantlet. The suspension system comprised two bogies, each supporting two rubber road wheels, combined with a Japanese bell crank reinforced by horizontal compression springs, invented by Major Tomio Hara. The drive sprocket was at the front and the idler wheel was at the rear, and the narrow track was supported on two rubber-filled return rollers. Like many narrow-tracked fast tanks, these were prone to throwing off their tracks during high-speed turns. To fix this issue, a later variant had a larger idler wheel, and the last received a complete redesign of the suspension. But the problem remained until the end of production in 1937.
Disclaimer:This model has nothing to do with any military, political or ideological regime. The vehicle presented is a copy of the historic vehicle and represents only the visual aspect, without any political background. The models are not intended to promote hatred, violence, whitewash history, revisionism, etc.Any symbols presented on the models are for information purposes only (of the same type as the images in the encyclopedia) and under no circumstances are they used for any other purpose than to underline the aesthetic value of the models.