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Low Poly model of USA Dodge WC-51 Cargo Truck
Model contains real details and proportions.2048x2048 textures included:-Color maps -psd (AO, decals on separated layers, specular on Alpha channel) 2k,1k (wheels)-Normal maps 2k,1kTexture designed for scaling - great for mobile games.
The WC-51 was originally designed to carry an infantry heavy weapons squad. The exact composition of that squad changed during the war years, but often, it was a .30 or .50 caliber machine gun team or a 60 mm mortar team. More often these trucks were used as utility vehicles. These were the most numerous variant in the 3/4-ton WC line, with more than 48,000 produced. This one was delivered in January 1943. The 5-gallon gas and water can were standard equipment.