This package contains a 3d animated character model representing a street cop dressed in an uniform. There are 2 LOD-stages available:
LOD 0: 6,141 vertices; 11,592 trianglesLOD 1: 3,457 vertices; 6,375 trianglesThe model comes with 2 textures: a 2048x2048 texture for the character and a 512x512 texture for the weapon. In addition to the diffuse textures there are normal and spec maps available.
Available 3d model formats:» MB (Maya)» UnityPackage (Unity)» FBX (3DStudioMax, 3dGameStudio)» dts (Torque, with dsq files for each animation)» gmf (Leadwerks)» DBO (DarkBasic)» ms3d (Milkshape)» Collada (3DStudioMax)» x (DirectX)» u3d (Ultimate Unwrap3D)» PSK, PSA (Unreal DK)Animation Frames:» Tpose,0,0» Idle,1,200,» Running,201,219» Walking,220,278» Jump,279,301» gunShooting,302,311» investigate,312,403» StrafeRight,404,425» StrafeLeft,426,448» Punch,449,461» Uppercut,462,484» attackIdle,485,501» Kick,502,530» Hit,531,558» Salute,559,590» WriteTicket,591,671» Talking,672,722» Dead,723,749» Standup,750,789» GunIdle,790,809» Gunin,810,833» Gunout,834,855