Radioactive Soldier - Atomic Veteran Rigged Animated
4K High Quality Texture Maps.
Animation - Calming Walk, Idle
Fully Rigged
Body16384 vertices, 16196 polygons, 170 bones
EyesL464 vertices, 352 polygons, 61 bones
Small Bag16972 vertices, 16471 polygons, 24 bones
Belt31838 vertices, 30456 polygons, 24 bones
BioMask41714 vertices, 39664 polygons, 35 bones
Suit13746 vertices, 13488 polygons, 59 bones
Boots18117 vertices, 17629 polygons, 90 bones
Gloves81845 vertices, 81492 polygons, 104 bones
An atomic veteran is a veteran who was exposed to ionizing radiation while present in the site of a nuclear explosion during active duty. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs defines an atomic veteran who, as part of his or her military service: Participated in an above-ground nuclear test, 1945–1962; or was part of the U.S. military occupation forces in/around Hiroshima/Nagasaki before 1946; or was held as a POW in or near Hiroshima or Nagasaki (certain cases).
Atomic veterans also include service personnel from other nations, including the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, France, China, and Russia, who were similarly exposed during their active service.A formal investigation of the radiation exposure these veterans received, as well as radiation experiments conducted on humans, was initiated in 1994 by former President Bill Clinton, who apologized for their treatment in 1995. In 1996, the U.S. Congress repealed the Nuclear Radiation Secrecy Agreement Act, which rescinded the Atomic Veteranoath-of-secrecy,thus allowing Atomic-Veterans the opportunity to recount stories of their participation in nuclear weapon testing and post-test event activities, without legal penalty. By this time, however, many thousands of Atomic Veterans, the majority of whom were afflicted with a host of radiation-induced health issues, such as cancer, had taken thatsecret"with them to their graves