Game-Ready 3D Western Operator character ready for any type of special operations, with special inspiration drawn from the Navy Special Warfare (NSW) development group (DEVGRU), often referred to as Seal Team 6, officially is tasked with the mission of developing new equipment and tactics for the general Navy SEAL organization inside the United States Military.
This character offers the possibility of having a realistic, modular tactical soldier for your projects. With hundreds of possible combinations among the 7 plate carrier variations, helmets, and back-pannels you can customize this model to fit all your needs. The design of this model was based on real-life references, using high-poly models and scans from real active Navy Seal Operators to achieve the best possible result. For example. both the LBT Plate carrier and CRYE Uniform were scanned from SEAL Team member.
The vests include the following classes:
We have included all textures in Multicam. AOR1 and flat Black, making it easy for you to create your own retextures.
This highly modular set includes:
This character was Rigged using Mixamo, which allows you to use various animations from their library and apply them to this operator. However, please note that the rigging might not have the best quality possible, especially for complex animations. You might encounter some issues with the weight paints, especially around the wrists. Also, please keep in mind, we only offer the Rig in Blender format for now.
The only weapon included in this pack is the Glock 17 located under the character's belt. The rifles and other weapons shown in the renders do not belong to us and are not included in the files.
These assets are well optimised for any game-ready engine like Unreal, Unity etc, you can also use this models for other projects involving marketing, rendering, filmmaking etc.
Technical Info:
Included Formats:
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