This Wounded Sword Emissive Green model is made while keeping the perspective of the game and production. It is a high-quality Sword with a highly detailed texture and also kept it low on poly count with the help of a normal map of high-poly meah. You can use it for production. For textures, I have used Substance Painter. The model is made in Blender and rendered in Cycle.
Included file formats:
Blender (Native)3DS Max 2021.3dsC4D R20.c4dLightwave.lwsKeyshot 9.bipCollado.daeRhino 6.3dmAutodesk.FBXSTLOBJMTL
Note No 1: Textures' size is 4096x4096. (resizeable)
Included Maps:
Normal MapBase Color MapDisplacement MapRoughness MapAlpha MapEmission MapMetallic Map
Note No 2: Rendering Studio is not included.